Friday, April 20, 2012

We're Every Woman

Our Sorority Regional Director was introduced at our conference by another Soror (a former Regional Director) who has known her since she was first initiated into the sorority, 33 years ago. In her comments, she expressed her pride in watching her grow into a mature, strong leader. The sorority is, of course, full of such connections - sorors who have known each other for years, watching and supporting each other to grow as a sorority member and as a woman.

Last night, a sorority member said to me, "I'm proud of you." She didn't say specifically what I had done.  And other than running around from event to meeting to dinner, I'm not really sure. But it still felt good and I accepted her compliment. I mean, how often, as a grown woman do you get a compliment like that?

This afternoon, we will celebrate sorority sisters who are marking 25, 50, and 75! years of membership. It's a regular part of the agenda, but I'm more excited than usual because one of my own very good friends will be donning her Silver crown. She was one of my "big sisters" when I was initiated into the sorority. Over the years we've lived in different cities, been active in different chapters, but now we live near each other and are in the same chapter. She serves as a committee chair in our chapter and is an active member.  She's also a dedicated wife, a loving and busy mother, and a wonderful friend. I'm amazed by her culinary talents and her tireless efforts to make her children happy, whether cooking meals for the school fundraiser, helping to build topographical maps of Australia, or driving cross-county to cheer them on in their games, whether lacrosse or soccer or basketball or football, or coaching the cheerleading squad. And she does it while looking beautiful all the time. So to my friend, my sister, my Soror J.S. I'm proud of you! And Congratulations!

(and I encourage everyone to tell someone today, "I'm proud of you" - I promise, you'll make their day.)

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