Friday, May 11, 2012

Photo Challenge - Day 10: Smile!

Okay, so one thing I realized today - I don't think I smile that much.  Laugh?  Yes.  Its as if I'm going all the way or not at all - I'm laughing or - what? - what face am I making the rest of the day?  Maybe I should work on that so people will have something nice to say about me - "she always has a smile on her face".

There were a few things today that did make me smile, though.  Most of them I don't have a photo, but I'll share them anyway.
  • Mammogram - okay, there was a photo, but I'm not sharing that, but it was all good.  (Ladies - don't forget to get your mammograms - regularly or early or often - or whatever is relevant to your health situation)
  • Lunch with my parents and my brother - pleasant surprise!  Parents think he needs a haircut, he looks alright to me.
  • Son took the trash out and girls cleaned the kitchen - good jobs everybody.  Gender-specific chores - yeah, I know.

Lastly - red velvet cupcakes, fresh from the oven - yummmm!
Hoping that they will last until they get frosted.

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