Thursday, July 14, 2011

In the madness, there is love

Wandering on one of my favorite sites,, I saw this:

from Fifi du Vie Home Decor on

The timing of finding this saying was amazing -- it was after I had just returned home, fed my kids a late dinner ("refrigerator buffet"), and put them to bed. Where had we been? We took my son to his swim meet, watched him swim his first race, then jumped in the car to take my daughter to her basketball game and watched the first half, then rushed back to the swim meet, having missed his next 2 races, in time to watch his final race, then rushed back to the car - with him still dripping wet - to go pick up my daughter from her game, which had ended by then. The "we" who was car hopping all evening was my other 2 daughters and I.

This sounds like a crazy evening schedule, but what may be crazier is that we have done this every week this summer. Every week, we have a simultaneous swim meet and basketball game. The rest of the year, we will go thru the same transportation equations, only the destinations and who gets dropped off or rides along will change. After-school activities, this lesson, that practice. Upcounty, downcounty, the next county.

Makes you wonder "why?" Why this absolute madness of running all over the place?

It comes down to love. Because I'm the mom and mom has to be there. For his 32 second swim or for her perfect jump shot, for her match winning shot or her final bow before the curtain, when he breaks the board or she sings her solo - mom's got to be there. The rest of the day doesn't matter. If I made breakfast or bought a new pair of shoes or took them to the movies, that's all fine, but it doesn't compare to being there for that moment. When they do their thing, they always look out there for mom or dad's smile. So we do what we have to do, to make sure our smile is there.

The madness is constant. And for a few seconds, there's the cheers and the smiles. And through it all, there is always love.

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