Sunday, April 1, 2012

March didn't have more time than any other month

I was kinda hoping that the designation of March as National Craft Month by the whoevers that designate "national xyz month" would somehow magically, mystically make there be more hours in the month to actually get some crafts done.  Instead, there actually seemed to be less crafting time because in addition to the regular life busy-ness, my calendar filled up with baking a pie, cupcakes and a cake for two kid birthdays, a sorority fundraiser coming up in April, Girl Scout cookie manager duties, primary election volunteering - and my family still wanted to eat.  How stressful.  And how normal.

I did manage to get a few things done though.  I've listed some of the projects here in the past few weeks. Then I've also:
- started a Christening blanket for a friend, almost done
- continued working on a poncho for myself, hope to finish before it gets too hot
- started a spring shawl - knitting, something new
- got a dining room table for my dollhouse, but I'm not so crazy about it, so I might need to find another one
- made a photo book of some of the vacation photos from last summer's European vacation

That's not too bad, right?  I know, I could also add "slacker crafter" to my title, I've got so much stuff in progress.  But now, the election is Tuesday, cookies are almost gone, and the fundraiser is sold out, so here come April - spring weather and lots of free time to be creative - ha! I wish!

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