Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mom-Me Celebration - Day 21: Go on Vacation!

How often do we daydream, arms elbow deep in a sink full of dishwater or carrying a load of laundry, of being on a tropic isle sipping mai tais?  Wouldn't that be great if we could just pack our bikini and jump on a plane?  Or perhaps you're more the type to pull on your khaki's and go on a safari.  Any vacation spot would be better than home cleaning the bathroom and taking out the recycling, right?  So,  go!  Maybe it's not realistic to call your travel agent (do people use a travel agent anymore?) and book your family on a 10-day cruise around the Mediterranean leaving tomorrow.  But what's stopping you from heading to the nearby Greek restaurant for dinner?

Venture out and take the family to an international restaurant for dinner.

If you want to keep it simple or you know the kids aren't that adventurous, go somewhere with food they are used to but take it up a notch.  Take a mini-trip to Italy and get good pizza from a good Italian spot.  Nothing against the chain delivery options, but stretch a little bit; at least find somewhere that you can get a glass of wine with your dinner.  Pass by Taco Bell and find a Mexican restaurant where margaritas, housemade chips and salsa are an option.  My kids and I have "discovered" a delicious little Chinese restaurant that we've passed by for years.  Rice and some kind of chicken are a staple, but then we also peruse the menu for something new. Steamed bread is one of our new favorites; whatever seafood dish of the day is my go-to choice.
Korean hot pot soup - kimchees, seafood - all boiling & hot!
If you can push your kids a bit, or heck, if its just what you want to eat - try somewhere new and different than what you're used to.  A few weeks ago, we joined family friends for dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. Although my kids have friends who are from Ethiopia and have tasted the culture's food, I wasn't sure how they would like a full dinner in the cuisine. And I don't know why I was worried that perhaps they wouldn't like eating with their hands!  We actually had to order additional food!  It doesn't have to be fancy; even going to a casual spot can be different.  I like hummus and falafel, so taking the kids out for that is an adventure. A Girl Scout mom told me about the cuisine of West Africa.... hmm, I need to find a restaurant.
Our Ethiopian platter "before" the kids decided they do like Ethiopian... pass the injera please!
And if you aren't crazy about going out to eat - I get it, eating out with kids is not always the wonderful experience you imagine in your head as you pile in the car - make another plan. Either leave them home or bring the food to your home.  Order in, try out a new international recipe.  Whatever you do, don't feel like you're confined to steak and potatoes and your kitchen.

Go on vacation!  Where you going?

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Follow along here on my blog or on Facebook - JustPiddlin with Frances for our 30-Day Mom-Me Celebration all the way until Mother's Day.

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